Wednesday, April 29, 2009

5K for beginners

5Ks are popular races for advanced runners as well as beginners. Advanced runners seek to improve their time and pace while a beginner runner might set out just to complete their first race. A 5K is 3.12 miles and takes approximately 30 minutes to jog. It is a doable goal for most anyone, but just like any goals, steps should be taken to accomplish it. Below is an example training schedule for a beginner runner wanted to complete a 5K. It is an 8 week program and starts with running a distance of 1.5 miles. First off, if you are a beginner runner, do not feel like you have to sprint these distances until your heart explodes. Take it slowly at a comfortable pace. As your confidence improves you can gently increase your pace. The BIGGEST MISTAKE that people make when starting to train for an event like a 5K is to PUSH THEMSELVES TOO HARD. Ease into the sport to prevent injury. If you cannot run 1.5 miles, go as far as you can and then walk the rest of the distance. Work your way up to the 1.5 mile run and then you can start the schedule that is below.

EZ=simple, less strenuous activity (i.e., walking, gardening)
CT=Cross Training (i.e., biking, swimming, elliptical)

Good luck and happy running!

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